Thursday, November 8, 2007

Cecilia De Rafael Color 54

Stupidario Rom

of Simond de Sismondi - The main problem concerning immigration consists of the ideological prejudices of the "politically correct": that is, as has already been extensively studied in a whole series of complaints and self-censorship, linguistic and ideological , creating a sort of insurmountable barrier between the reality and knowledge, preventing any serious conflict of illegality and secrecy. This is not a spontaneous phenomenon but obviously created to table a shrewd strategy that takes inspiration from European politicians, liberal media and academia, whose main objective is to manipulate the normal perception of reality. From the historical-cultural, political correctness is nothing but a consequence of conviction, its totalitarian egalitarianism, that all men must remove what distinguishes them, historically and culturally, to recognize patterns in cohabitation modeled on abstract ideological schemes . The perception of the inevitable and irrepressible differences and their linguistic expression are considered the result of "prejudice" and "ignorance."
The consequence of all this, is the creation of a "stupidario" conceptual basically empty and fake that it merely repeats general platitudes and clichés and to address, in this case the complex issues concerning immigration in ejaculatory forms of penitential or banning slogans Third World.
typical example of this "approach" can be considered as part of that conference, organized by the "Govanni XXIII" in Bologna on October 19 entitled "Human rights of the Roma people: a people (sic) not included in history "from one of the speakers, the teacher Francesca Zanetti of Education (how many people are looking to recruit an aura of authority, presenting as" scientific "ideas and activities!) that" To speak means above all to speak of the Roma denied human rights because they are relegated out of the space of decisions and policies of the reports of a city. "
According to one of the most trite clichés of third worldism, that underdevelopment is a consequence of exploitation by the developed countries, even according to the rapporteur the Roma are victims of the prejudices of right-thinking people, because private rights and therefore excluded from phantom "relations policies of the city." On the other hand, in the words of the moderator of the conference, journalist Nelson Bova "are now called by all gypsies (sic) has become synonymous with dirt; ambiguous irrecoverable. Of their ethnicity allowed to speak evil, there is no politically correct as there is for the courts to save people ... only the children of gypsies and angry because the town we help them in preference to the Italians. "
obvious and logical consequence of these statements, as you see, is the reversal of roles between victims and victimizers: Gypsies are the real victims and not the others. Indeed, under julep marxistoide featuring some borrowed from sociology, criminal, crime perpetrated by them or does not exist or a result of a non-defined social problems, obviously due to the victims, and their prejudices. Indeed, the latter must accept the benevolent attention of the community Roma, getting robbed, and at worst, torture or torture as retribution for their prejudices in the same way as the helpless victims of terrorism of the 70s, also punished for "enemies of the working class" or "accomplices of capitalist exploitation" . On the other hand, the "gypsies" as reflected in the words of Nelson Bova said not to exist: they are simply and generically inhabitants of Romania, Romanians, at last! Call them "gypsies" means to exercise a kind of discrimination, crime, insecurity, squatting that characterizes them disappears immediately removing this term and replace it with Romanians. Not matter then, if this demented Orwellian-style linguistic manipulation therefore leads ordinary people to identify with all the Romanian Gypsies. The important thing is to safeguard the purity of the Roma, their mythical significance: in fact, their lifestyle is, as such, a complaint of right-thinking bourgeois mentality, as an alternative to capitalism and more generally to civilian life. And from this point of view are very useful to the perpetuation of rhetoric in this country, allow substantial revenues to political-cultural position. To demonstrate the failure of capitalism and communism or the hopes of the captive-marxisteggiante pauperism, it is necessary to maintain life in a series of "victims" ready to be played, when necessary: \u200b\u200bIt is important to solve their problems, how legitimate the presence of these people who manages to build a political career or academic or some media coverage.
As you can see, that the meeting in question is actually a reading of Rom far more affected by stereotypes and prejudices that the so-called ordinary people, the "bourgeois" of which, we imagine with great shame, members include speakers who will took part. It is a hodgepodge of pseudo-liberal cliches of little or no conceptual value.
claim that "To speak of the Roma is to talk about human rights denied because they are relegated out of the space of decisions, policies and reports by the city, as did Professor Zanetti, is completely misleading, if not ridiculous. In reality are the Roma themselves that their ways of life based on employment untidy land, a territory that is not worth anything to them, and their lifestyles are unhealthy basically basically parasitic and raised outside of any relationship and civil human. Given that human rights are not intend for the privilege of living outside of the elementary rules governing the civil society (civil, non-bourgeois), or have full freedom to damage property and persons of others. In reality, the so-called Roma
or Gypsies, are but today one of the many categories of people who for various reasons (study, work, political persecution), moving from their places of origin to seek his fortune elsewhere. However, for inclusion in the new countries is obviously difficult for everyone, most of them looking for a stable job, a house in which to live and strives to comply with the laws of the places where he goes to live. Living with the original inhabitants - and, optionally, integration - and is therefore ascertainable by measurable parameters and precise reference points. But in the case of the Roma all that this is very difficult if not impossible.
consider adding in some form by providing alibis or external pseudohistorical, such as the alleged denial of their human rights is not only futile, deeply damaging: that people need to realize their own marginality and the serious limitations of their lifestyle. This work, as you can see, very long, complex and difficult. Only from here, for them, you think, since they like it, some form of progress and integration. In contrast, provide them with free housing, and other fields, or perhaps, as did the vice mayor of Bologna Scaramuzzino in this conference, apologize for having to move away from the national territory means nothing but perpetuate their parasitic mentality, their marginality and present a facade of doing good in the eyes of those who are unrelated to this code of values \u200b\u200bis as guilty as weakness and implied authorization to dispose of persons and property of others at will.
The only result of getting these shows pseudo-conformism by noble souls is to offend the many victims of lawlessness, impunity and insecurity that the endemic presence of these populations means in our country: the language of wood of political correctness, the convenient installation of the pseudo-liberal defender of the rights of Roma in the atmosphere hushed conferences and lecture halls, play just as acts of indifference, contempt if not hatred. Attitude this little human, much less Christian.


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Intensive Emt Course Nj

Test, test
This is a test message.

do not know exactly what I'm doing, but it seems it is doing


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