Thursday, November 8, 2007

Cecilia De Rafael Color 54

Stupidario Rom

of Simond de Sismondi - The main problem concerning immigration consists of the ideological prejudices of the "politically correct": that is, as has already been extensively studied in a whole series of complaints and self-censorship, linguistic and ideological , creating a sort of insurmountable barrier between the reality and knowledge, preventing any serious conflict of illegality and secrecy. This is not a spontaneous phenomenon but obviously created to table a shrewd strategy that takes inspiration from European politicians, liberal media and academia, whose main objective is to manipulate the normal perception of reality. From the historical-cultural, political correctness is nothing but a consequence of conviction, its totalitarian egalitarianism, that all men must remove what distinguishes them, historically and culturally, to recognize patterns in cohabitation modeled on abstract ideological schemes . The perception of the inevitable and irrepressible differences and their linguistic expression are considered the result of "prejudice" and "ignorance."
The consequence of all this, is the creation of a "stupidario" conceptual basically empty and fake that it merely repeats general platitudes and clichés and to address, in this case the complex issues concerning immigration in ejaculatory forms of penitential or banning slogans Third World.
typical example of this "approach" can be considered as part of that conference, organized by the "Govanni XXIII" in Bologna on October 19 entitled "Human rights of the Roma people: a people (sic) not included in history "from one of the speakers, the teacher Francesca Zanetti of Education (how many people are looking to recruit an aura of authority, presenting as" scientific "ideas and activities!) that" To speak means above all to speak of the Roma denied human rights because they are relegated out of the space of decisions and policies of the reports of a city. "
According to one of the most trite clichés of third worldism, that underdevelopment is a consequence of exploitation by the developed countries, even according to the rapporteur the Roma are victims of the prejudices of right-thinking people, because private rights and therefore excluded from phantom "relations policies of the city." On the other hand, in the words of the moderator of the conference, journalist Nelson Bova "are now called by all gypsies (sic) has become synonymous with dirt; ambiguous irrecoverable. Of their ethnicity allowed to speak evil, there is no politically correct as there is for the courts to save people ... only the children of gypsies and angry because the town we help them in preference to the Italians. "
obvious and logical consequence of these statements, as you see, is the reversal of roles between victims and victimizers: Gypsies are the real victims and not the others. Indeed, under julep marxistoide featuring some borrowed from sociology, criminal, crime perpetrated by them or does not exist or a result of a non-defined social problems, obviously due to the victims, and their prejudices. Indeed, the latter must accept the benevolent attention of the community Roma, getting robbed, and at worst, torture or torture as retribution for their prejudices in the same way as the helpless victims of terrorism of the 70s, also punished for "enemies of the working class" or "accomplices of capitalist exploitation" . On the other hand, the "gypsies" as reflected in the words of Nelson Bova said not to exist: they are simply and generically inhabitants of Romania, Romanians, at last! Call them "gypsies" means to exercise a kind of discrimination, crime, insecurity, squatting that characterizes them disappears immediately removing this term and replace it with Romanians. Not matter then, if this demented Orwellian-style linguistic manipulation therefore leads ordinary people to identify with all the Romanian Gypsies. The important thing is to safeguard the purity of the Roma, their mythical significance: in fact, their lifestyle is, as such, a complaint of right-thinking bourgeois mentality, as an alternative to capitalism and more generally to civilian life. And from this point of view are very useful to the perpetuation of rhetoric in this country, allow substantial revenues to political-cultural position. To demonstrate the failure of capitalism and communism or the hopes of the captive-marxisteggiante pauperism, it is necessary to maintain life in a series of "victims" ready to be played, when necessary: \u200b\u200bIt is important to solve their problems, how legitimate the presence of these people who manages to build a political career or academic or some media coverage.
As you can see, that the meeting in question is actually a reading of Rom far more affected by stereotypes and prejudices that the so-called ordinary people, the "bourgeois" of which, we imagine with great shame, members include speakers who will took part. It is a hodgepodge of pseudo-liberal cliches of little or no conceptual value.
claim that "To speak of the Roma is to talk about human rights denied because they are relegated out of the space of decisions, policies and reports by the city, as did Professor Zanetti, is completely misleading, if not ridiculous. In reality are the Roma themselves that their ways of life based on employment untidy land, a territory that is not worth anything to them, and their lifestyles are unhealthy basically basically parasitic and raised outside of any relationship and civil human. Given that human rights are not intend for the privilege of living outside of the elementary rules governing the civil society (civil, non-bourgeois), or have full freedom to damage property and persons of others. In reality, the so-called Roma
or Gypsies, are but today one of the many categories of people who for various reasons (study, work, political persecution), moving from their places of origin to seek his fortune elsewhere. However, for inclusion in the new countries is obviously difficult for everyone, most of them looking for a stable job, a house in which to live and strives to comply with the laws of the places where he goes to live. Living with the original inhabitants - and, optionally, integration - and is therefore ascertainable by measurable parameters and precise reference points. But in the case of the Roma all that this is very difficult if not impossible.
consider adding in some form by providing alibis or external pseudohistorical, such as the alleged denial of their human rights is not only futile, deeply damaging: that people need to realize their own marginality and the serious limitations of their lifestyle. This work, as you can see, very long, complex and difficult. Only from here, for them, you think, since they like it, some form of progress and integration. In contrast, provide them with free housing, and other fields, or perhaps, as did the vice mayor of Bologna Scaramuzzino in this conference, apologize for having to move away from the national territory means nothing but perpetuate their parasitic mentality, their marginality and present a facade of doing good in the eyes of those who are unrelated to this code of values \u200b\u200bis as guilty as weakness and implied authorization to dispose of persons and property of others at will.
The only result of getting these shows pseudo-conformism by noble souls is to offend the many victims of lawlessness, impunity and insecurity that the endemic presence of these populations means in our country: the language of wood of political correctness, the convenient installation of the pseudo-liberal defender of the rights of Roma in the atmosphere hushed conferences and lecture halls, play just as acts of indifference, contempt if not hatred. Attitude this little human, much less Christian.


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Intensive Emt Course Nj

Test, test
This is a test message.

do not know exactly what I'm doing, but it seems it is doing


test size test image

Friday, September 21, 2007

Infections From Cut On Elbow

Democracy welfare and assistance and consultation

of Andrea Amati - been years since we faced with the dogma of the meeting.
's one of those words that seem to rise to a higher rank, as if they were an expression of absolute value, which becomes inconvenient if not outrageous subject to criticism and raise doubt. It will be said, are just words, as the poet said, are just songs. But the pounding insistence with which the value expressed by this word is exalted, revered, exalted by the unanimous chorus of political correctness, making it unbearably disagreeable.

The word collusion hurts the camouflage with which it was introduced in the common language by the dominant political class. Its etymological meaning is that of concerted decision or the result of collaboration of all parties, as the elements of an orchestra in concert. In the political reality it consists in the agreement that the political parties to enter into government with representatives of private interests, the expression of "great powers" of society, in order to prevent their hostile reaction at government decisions that affect them. In fact it is a transgression of the strict principles of parliamentary democracy, in theory, reminds us Professor Sartoris paginme from the Courier (bottom of Sept. 6), were still in force in Italy. Parliamentary democracy requires that decisions affecting the life of the country are taken by a majority of a group of people, members of Parliament, what specifically elected by the general public. Regardless of the electoral system adopted, the Parliament is the expression of the national community, through the constraint representation of its members, and only at that meeting should take decisions affecting the generality of the citizen-voters.

With the so-called conciliation, however, problems are not just discussed (as it would certainly be acceptable) but also decided outside the halls of Parliament, directly between the representatives of special interests (employers, unions, banks, insurance companies, pharmacists, civil service unions, magistrates, lawyers, the inhabitants of the Susa Valley) and Representatives of political parties in government. Political parties have transformed, with clerical-Marxist logic, their organizational structures from free association to a kind of monastic Masonic brotherhood, where the defense of the power acquired precedence over any other value, even though they are theoretically protected by the Constitution. In this way, the political party leaders have taken an enormous power: any decision is made directly with the social groups from time time involved, regardless of the will of Parliament, and brought to Parliament only for formal ratification, imposed by the parliamentary leaders of their parties without being allowed any real critical contribution. Just for the sake of appearances, or merely for tactical requested by the parties, MPs pretend to discuss amongst themselves but in the end always vote in accordance with team orders, or order as the governing bodies of their own party. And they can not do otherwise if overdriven the party will not allow their re-election, with loss of all benefits and privileges that this entails. They also take the family. Isolated cases of parliamentarians who, in the recent past, have dared to show a little ' independence from their parties have been exposed to public ridicule, pointed at with scorn by the whole gang-Masonic monastic of Italian politics and the media, until they themselves have not made a public apology and returned to play the obedient to their well-paid role Members of keypads.

With the emergence of the meeting, the Parliament has become a mere votatoio, so that if they can, MPs go there as little as possible, making replacement of "pianists" who vote for them under the table: To vote as the party commands us you can do well to replace.

But consultation is not only degrades the constitutional role of Parliament, dismissed by their specific role representatives of the entire national community and, therefore, whether corporations, churches, lodges and even of the thighs, marginalizing the role of performers in order to vote, it humiliates, if not destroyed, the powers of the government, which would the task of leading the government. The consultation has also moved this business from the halls of government, seen as independent from the Parliament and political parties, representatives of those parties which support it: in fact members of the Government (the individual ministers, deputy ministers and secretaries) are appointed logic divider (manual Cencelli) between the party leaders or representatives closely related to them. And so the individual ministries become the only area of \u200b\u200baction of the Minister, Deputy Minister and Secretary, whose principal concern becomes that of pleasing, thanks to the power that achieved the largest possible number of groups, organizations, committees, organizations and individuals, to ensure a good election result in his own party. Even these trades under the table are defined in consultation pompously. Amen.

Bruno Vespa once said with pride that his program was called the third branch of parliament. Had not noticed that its transmission, like other successful politician of entertainment have become the only true place for political debate, where politicians can really share his ideas and his projects. With the limit, however, that the television share does not confer any power of decision and the popular appreciation on any particular point under discussion need not end with the memory of the transmission, leaving, at most, a general feeling of sympathy toward this or that politician, with the 'effect desired, to move some votes in the election.

In essence, the Parliament and its Members do not need any more. The political debate takes place publicly, through the media, but it will do bait and switch, and thus to gain broad sympathy votes. The real decisions are made in "consultation" outside Parliament, directly between the leaders of parties and any social gathering evidence that it has enough following: the purpose is always the same, "move" votes.


Monday, September 17, 2007

What To Wear With A Blue Pencil Skirt

of Barbara Di Salvo - As often happens when you add the suffix-ism and you go from reality to abstraction, from practice to theory change the result, and considerably worse.

is that assistance, the noblest of human behavior, it becomes hopelessly in the caricature of the welfare state, no longer practical activity, but pure doctrine, no longer rational behavior, but what can be morale.Per dogma of the beasts, there is no human being is instinctively led to provide assistance to those who are in danger or necessità.Certo, some have a more heroic spirit, but even the worst of cynics, if not suffering from serious mental disorders, would starve a person dear to him, even his figlio.L 'only difference between the hero and the cynical is that the first also helps to strangers.

This is not the time to philosophize about why to do it, but Christianity is acknowledged to have provided a strong motivation to humans: the conquest of Paradiso.Ora, that we have marched over the clergy did not put in some debate, but to deny that Christians are, for purely religious reasons, more likely to give assistance to those in need seems to me quite frankly too much for even the most convinced that we can meet the atei.Non a Mother Teresa, a Padre Pio, the priest or the lady in the suburbs of San Vincenzo, who have dedicated their lives to help the prossimo.Ognuno of these believers will have had its reasons, but the merit of Christ and religions from his descendants have been able to convey the natural selfishness in altruistic behavior.
Selfishness, in fact, in these cases does not disappear, is channeled to the service of others, but the motivation of bottom is always selfish: the eternal salvation is only and exclusively of a single benefactor, mica beneficiato.Con this critic's certainly not altruistic Christians, indeed my hat off to those who invented them. I only claim what is profoundly wrong to demonize extol egoism and altruism, as the second without the first even exist. What has been invented, however, socialism and communism (two other-isms that make abstract, doctrinaire, dogmatic, and thus the worst two good concepts like socialization and communion)?

welfarism, selfless altruism, helping others without helping ourselves, or worse, making the male.Pura abstraction, simple demagoguery, tales for gullible people still believe that the help of the other may be imposed by law and the ego can be abolished for decreto.In somehow had to replace a religion and have made a new land where the only god is the need , the weak, the stranger, the poor who need help in any way, whatever the cost, whatever the conseguenze.Poco whether denying the selfishness at the root, rather than direct it as Christ did, you end up being a victim . One can not even believe in the devil, but the day before that if he finds, he plans to get away with saying "you do not exist"? And the results of such stupidity and shortsightedness are obvious to all. But they, no, do not give up.

still insist on the redistribution of income, with the uncontrolled social spending, indiscriminate with the acceptance of any derelict again destroy every resource of the country to live to make the selfish approfittatori.Questo contradict themselves because if they admitted that ' selfishness is not only rich but also poor in that if took the opportunity to live rendita.Così do not bother to help the needy out of poverty, but are happy to leave it, while continuing to satisfy their egos by the generous with our money and thus buy their consent. Thus the state, rather than facilitate social assistance carried out by individuals, whatever the motivation that drives them, to profit from religion, have the presumption to be able to do without these institutions, to be able to replace themselves and to become itself a religione.Ma yes, we remove the privileges of the Church , we pay the ICI to the speakers and Catholic schools. Enough with these gifts to the priests who have so many billions that could feed Africa. Applies to them also the European principles of free competition. That they also compete in the lucrative business of non-profit organization. Oh, I am told by the director of the non-profit organization that also do not pay the ICI. So where's the privilege? And community centers to pay? I doubt it since they are Okkupati and, therefore, does not even pay the rent. And receipts of bars and concerts that make us in are taxed? Even those? And all the cultural associations, sports clubs, and all those other organizations that deal with care, welfare, health, education, hospitality, culture, recreation and sport ? even theirs? So, no exemption is given only to the Church? "Ah, that is for all faiths? So, even mosques and cultural centers Tibetans?

But you look at it. No, not that. Too? I can not believe .... well as unions and political parties, I am treated as a non-profit non-profit? Come on, it's a joke. Party and union non-profit is a contradiction in termini.Ma is really the case? So want to say that unions such as the eyelashes, with 3,000 branches in Italy, the CISL and the UIL with 5,000, with a real estate portfolio of € 35 million, do not pay a cent of ICI? That same real estate corporate fascist state that is they literally got? The same properties that you do not even know the exact number, because the unions are not required to submit a budget that is invested billions they steal a pensioners, workers, INPS and State? Thus, the synthesis is in the name of an alleged anti-privilege, parties, friends of the unions, who invented the welfare state are trying to take away from those who support a tax exemption in their own benefit? Now that's unfair competition.


Saturday, September 8, 2007

Gansta Red Bandana Cakes

Turkey and the idiocy of the old Europe

Carlo Panella - The election of Abdullah Gul as President of Turkey sets the seal to the full and complete defeat of Kemalism with extraordinary consequences not only policy framework for the Mediterranean, but also for doctrinal reflection on Islam in modernity. To impose secularism, to "export democracy in Europe", heavily influenced by Masonic thought and Mazzini (the Young Turks copied the name from Young Italy). Kemal Ataturk abolished the caliphate and the sultanate, dissolved all the fraternities the immense religious and confiscated goods, abolished the Shari'a penal code replaced with Rocco and the administration of Neuchâtel and also abolished the Arabic script (written from right to left) and imposed the Latin alphabet, with a dramatic break that prevented the Turkish reading old texts in writing (in fact, the total censorship on Islamic culture). Atatürk finally put the national army to guard the secular nature, the overriding power in all institutions (nine years ago was deprived of a parliamentary mandate for the only reason to wear the hijab in the classroom). A reform that met with universal approval for 80 years, so much so that many more scholars (Bernard Lewis among them) see this as the only one able to combine with its violence-reforming-Islam and modernity.

past 83 years, Kemalism, is now dead. Because the Democratic "old mole Muslim" has crumbled all the constraints that kept Islam at the margins of power el'Akp, a modern and moderate party, but entirely Muslim, has been chosen by the people as turkish keeper of all the political power Government and President of the Republic. The failure of the Kemalist secular state model, although legitimated by the extraordinary military victory against the invasion of Atatürk greek-English 1920-22 (which also took part in Italy) is now evidence proven that no model, no political doctrine of secular-Western brand still managed to prevail in Islamic societies. Time for Reflection capital not only for Iraq but also Iran, where the Turkish experience shows that only a proposal for democratic politics in the Muslim world will be able to accumulate enough popular support to overthrow the dictatorship.

But the failure of Kemalism, playing mostly as a warning, unheeded, to the poor political culture of Europe. It 'was in fact the EU to do the immense favor of Erdogan to "impose" the elimination of the overarching power of the military government, the faithful guardians of the secular and democratic. It has been the EU to demand the idiot mechanical application of the "Copenhagen criteria" (designed to lead the former communist countries to democracy, not Muslim ones) that have allowed antilaicista Erdogan to take over, thanks to the votes of 46, 5% of the electorate, everything, absolutely all the power. Now, the turkish army, the only one in the world to have made three fully democratic coup, he has no political power and can no longer guard the secular. The EU, can only bring the candles to the Madonna of the AKP, Erdogan and Gul also thanks to the military coup of 1997 - is a fully democratic party. But the next election could be won by Muslim Brotherhood, or fundamentalists. As in Algeria. And you know how it ended.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cataract Surgery Mirajuana

The license to harass the Italian solution

Michele Brambilla - As Fiorello and Baldini announced this fall that do not replicate their hilarious radio show, Rai was promptly rebuilt hiring a comedian that those two there, Fiorello and Baldini in fact, gives him a mustache. It's called Pino Sgobio

and second job is the parent company of the Italian Communists in the Chamber. Rai debuted as a comic yesterday morning on Radio too, airing on Radiouno, performing in a sketch that quickly overshadowed the sarchiapone Walter Chiari, the letter to the bitch of Toto and Peppino, the brioche in the cappuccino Jokes by Nanni Loy.
There was talk of window washers, and the order issued by the Municipality of Florence to put them in the conditions, if not more harm, at least not dry as possible. After the commissioner for Liveability and Safety Graziano Cioni had explained the reasons for it, Sgobio took the floor and - after high dissertation on 'punish the washer is right or left? "- Threw' s ace, the proposal fair and Lebanon must be said verbatim, 'a regulation to make the legal activities of the washer. " And shortly after: necessary "to regulate the work, issue permits ... A municipal license as there are many more ... It would have been defeated with the problem of racketeering and we would have a legal map. " Words that have left even the conductor of salt, the good Mensura Stefano, who was unable to maintain his usual role of impartial and expressed some surprise.
But, since it is an educated person, Mensura used - to define the proposed Sgobio - a term, 'original' that would go well in any country, but unfortunately not in Italy. Funny how those that we heard yesterday from the mouth of the leader of the Italian Communists are not original, alas, but a distressing habit. In
1992, the then Finance Minister Rino Formica had an equally ludicrous idea to put an end to the scourge of smuggling, "With sincerity - he said to the microphones Mixer - I want to make a proposal to the smugglers: deliver the means and we bought them: simultaneously establish a plan for their consumption ", where" they "did not intend the means but the smugglers, and 'uptake' assumption by the state as employees. "The smugglers are about 20-25 thousand - Formica explained - and if Italy accounted for 25 thousand Albanians do not think we will have trouble absorbing the smugglers."
But yes, we absorb everything we Italians, beginning with demagogy of a politically correct nonsense that wants to pretend that those who live by their wits, or crimes, if you suddenly had to redeem a stamp card. That illusion, even worse, making it legal to remove the illegality.
is a culture that we have seen many times at work. The self-dealing houses? We make an agreement with the City so employment is not abusive. Illegal immigration? Here's an amnesty. The unauthorized building? A fine amnesty. The Red Brigades fugitives? But it takes an amnesty, what the heck: after all it is time for a national reconciliation.
Eventually it happens that those who first makes it dirty, then gets away. We have also recently seen starring in situations that were not criminals, but citizens motivated by noble ideals which move in the other municipalities inhabited by other people or a binary dump of Tav: protest, blocked roads and highways, in some cases pulled a bit 'of stones on the police, in short, have also struggled, but when the chips they had won.
past as well, the proposed Sgobio: we'll see if the Florentines will feel less disturbing wipers with license to harass. After that, expect everything from robberies villa regulated by the Ministry of Interior, the rapes by the Equal Opportunities, the Mafia by a Fund for the South revived. As for the usurers, the ideal would be to provide them with regular counters in exchange for a nice tax deduction, in the end they always need, the Revenue Agency.

by IlGiornale

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What Color Paint Ceiling

Vice money

Massimo Gramellini - After learning that an MP of his married catholic party had spent the night in a hotel with a phone call, the secretary of the UDC Lorenzo Cesa has proposed to increase the salaries of politicians, to allow them to transfer to Rome by his wife and children.

Not since Marie Antoinette not say that a powerful phrase so unpopular. And he made the award right now, when the costs of building the hives are coming to all Italians, except those in the Palace, or behind him, live. Moreover, the armed wing of the casino and always very attentive to the policies of the Family.

In his mind, the Italian deputy is not an amoeba like some European colleagues who work for far lower figures for the night and are quite capable of going to bed making love with the dossier. The Italian deputy is a free-range cockerel. No one can pretend that you sipped three, sometimes even four days of activities outside the home, without his hormones start to scream with fright. And if, coming home in the evening after an exhausting session at the refreshment stands, is not the holy family to divert the enthusiasm towards the happy ending, it becomes inevitable for him to take the path of vice, where he can go in reverse, with a well balanced mix of Hail Marys and Our Fathers.

Yet to reread in the light, the affirmation of Cesa is not all that unpopular. Echoes a popular cliché in our country: that money is a deterrent to vice. When the employee's well-known firm of glasses is found to be selling them down the street at half price.

Oquello company mobile phones to rent to an immigrant who has supplied the equipment for him to call home on the other side of the planet.

Or when the door of a Ministry, any other person who has a sliver of power over our lives, pretending to be oiled to travel or derail some practice. In all these cases, and a thousand others, the reaction of the relevant class is the same Mr Cesa: If you earn more, we could afford to sin less. A reasoning which even its own charm, was not that big of billionaires are almost always vicious.

La Stampa

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Roller Blading Tricks

Our ambiguity

Magdi Allam - It 's true that Italy is not considered credible by a State of Israel and the Lebanese government? It 's true that we have signed a secret pact with Syria to save the skin of our 3 000 soldiers deployed in Lebanon by Hezbollah or Al Qaeda attack? The revelation about a possible secret deal between D'Alema and Assad that would commit our country to end the international isolation of Syria in exchange for a guarantee that Hezbollah will not make the attacks, was denied by our ambassador in Tel AvivDeBernardin that assured that the on-line news reported the Israeli newspaper Haaretz is not due to "Israeli sources authorized."
But certainly the issue of security of our contingent framed within UNIFIL has been the focus of the talks that D'Alema had with Assad in Damascus last June 5. Our Foreign Minister has pointed out in the 'presence of groups linked to Al Qaeda, the "greatest danger" to our soldiers. He suggested that cooperation was crucial in the action of Hezbollah and diHamasè to avoid danger. Just as it is equally certain that Syria has strongly raised the issue of the establishment of international tribunal on the assassination of former Lebanese premier Rafiq Hariri, which accused the Syrian leadership sees. D'Alema in Damascus has worked hard to reassure the Syrians that the Court is "not directed against a State" and those that are "not start right away.
The Italian commitment to contain the hostility toward Syria, re-emerged on the day of the funeral in Beirut of the anti-Syrian MP Walid Eido, killed in a car-bomb attack on June 13, supporting our opposition to make 'the list of good and bad. " A counter position than the United States and the Lebanese government who have shifted the authorship of the attack on Syria. The location of 'Italy was in contrast to that of the Lebanese government also on the crucial issue of rearmament of' Hezbollah. While a June 14 memorandum of the General Staff of the Army of Lebanon, announced the UN envoy for the Middle East Terje Roed-Larsen, has accused Syria of having illegally supplied weapons to 'Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, the same day, General Claudio Graziano, the UNIFIL commander, countered that "in my area of \u200b\u200boperation there is no open hostile activity and we see no reset."
The Italian attitude is in contrast with that of Prime Minister Siniora has accused Syrian intelligence of the terrorists operate binladiani of Fath al-Islam, Saad Al Saad Hariri has called on Arab countries to "boycott the terrorist regime of Syria ', and Walid Jumblatt who has called the Assad regime, "a band of murderers," warning that "Americans and Europeans are making a tragic mistake flirting with Assad." What probably escapes on Israel and the Lebanese government, is that the truth there is nothing new in the attitude of Italy toward Syria and the strategy of preventing terrorism. D'Alema is doing nothing but perpetuating a practice since the seventies when it exploded the phenomenon of Palestinian terrorism on an international scale. I remember how I found myself in 1983 after the then Foreign Minister Andreotti on a visit to Damascus is very similar to the last one in the spirit of D'Alema and objectives.
It was not a coincidence that the Italian contingent posted to protect Palestinian civilians in Beirut after the evacuation of fedaiyin Arafat, was the only one not affected by the attacks of Hezbollah which, just then, he opened the phenomenon of Islamic suicide bombers. The Italian soldiers were spared under a secret agreement with the Syrian intelligence services, which became guarantors of the conduct of Hezbollah and their main sponsor, Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini. Just as there is nothing new in the commitment of Italy to clear the dictatorial Arab regimes. The case of the most successful has been to Libya's Gaddafi, after years of international isolation for his responsibility in the massacres of the 1988 Lockerbie plane and Uta exploded in the skies over Niger in 1989, was able to rescue a political virginity thanks to 'commitment of the Italian governments of left and right.
today is probably more pronounced connotations of Italy alongside Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas. There can not leave puzzled by the fact that the Foreign Ministry has neither condemned the bloody military coup by Hamas in Gaza, nor given his support to the new government formed by Palestinian Authority President Abu Mazen. So if it is true that Italy lost the hair but not in the habit often been flirting with sponsors of terrorism, but we keep in mind that the enemy today is not only beyond the borders but we even into our house.

by Corriere della Sera

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pilonidal Cyst Looks Like Herpes

Peace for peace

of Deborah Fait - It 's very difficult to understand what goes into the head of Abu Mazen.
It 'just emerged from a civil war that is not' over yet, he shoulders the responsibility 'to have been all these years, the death of its infamous predecessor, like a mummy, and now, just did the new government to Ramallah, here, everything ringalluzzito begins to blurt out his claim. Asks for money, asking for help, calls for release of prisoners and, anathema, that Israel wants to release a pluriassassino sentenced to 5 regastoli, that Marwan Barghouti, leader of the Tanzim, the notorious police Arafat, from whose ranks have come many of the suicide killers have carnage in Israel.
The new situation that followed the coup d'etat " Hamas in Gaza creates new hope and opportunity 'to have different relations with the new government in Ramallah.
Israel has made clear its willingness to negotiate with Abu Mazen as long as 'Hamastan is isolated and can no longer' harm to chance 'of peace and as long as', I would add, Abu Mazen does not want things that no politician of an aggressor country and terrorist can 'have the nerve to expect.
Personally I am not optimistic, the Palestinians are Palestinians in Ramallah and those are the same people who danced in the streets and squares every time a suicide bomber was raging in Israel.
are the same as those in Gaza in recent days, have committed atrocities' unspeakable, entering the houses, shooting at point-blank to whole families, laying the floor of a building 15simo young bound hand and foot, firing on crowds in the streets.
The Palestinians are always those of the assassination cumulative fire on everyone, blow up buses and cafes and restaurants with their fucking human bombs.
The Palestinians are still those educated to hatred and cruelty from nursery up to the oath in front of the Quran and Islam kalashnikof with the green stripe on the black ski mask and explosives vest tightly to her chest.
I do not think that those of Ramallah are different.
We want to give him a chance? fine but they have to listen to our demands, not us theirs. Who has ever attacked and refused to obey any dialogue the orders of Arafat "throw the Jews into the sea," now must accept the decisions of others, who brought their children to become murderers must bow your head and show they wanted to change.
The Palestinians have always been accustomed to expect, were spoiled by their admirers around the world, whatever you do, any atrocity 'commit was excused and understood in the name of' occupation ', made on behalf of the fairy tale come true' from propaganda of "people that the perfidious Jews have stolen the earth."
Now it is hoped that the world has always looked elsewhere when the atrocities 'and barbarism were made against Israel, understand, can not' not seeing that the barbarism part of their culture to the point that they can slaughter their own people, including children.
I wonder 'if pacifinti now so' silent (shame? Embarrassment?) Realize what kind of people have protected so far.
I wonder 'if those delinquentucoli burning flags, shouting "Free Palestine Palestine-red" fail to understand that their Palestine was no more than a melting pot of criminals and murderers that could arise only if a new Palestinian murderers those criminals will be isolated in Gaza as in Ramallah.
I wonder 'if anyone will admit' that Palestine, in order to get closer to being a democracy, can not 'ever want to be as red as the sons of Arafat, the various Diliberto, Agnoletto and their followers screaming, I 'red as blood poured out by Hamas, much less red as the blood of our children.
New Palestine must 'take the color of the work, coexistence, respect and freedom' will die if no 'forever.
comes to mind the anecdote about Sharon during a lunch with Condoleezza Rice at his farm in the Negev. Sharon
list to a sorpresissima Condoleezza all the misfortunes of the Palestinians, poor, badly governed, in need of all slaves in a dictatorship .... "Too bad that they even said at one point and Sharon, speaking to his secretary asked him, making him go through the avocado that was tasting," as they say in English bloodthirsty and treacherous?
At this point 'was the turn of Condie's going to get through the avocado.
No one knew better than the Palestinians Sharon had fought them, saved from the Arab massacres against them, had them as neighbors. He knew how his pockets and had no illusions!
Well, the Palestinians, at least those in the West Bank, should cease to be bloodthirsty and treacherous if they want to join the civil forum, the school must forget hatred of Arafat and above all they must lay off to beg money to produce death .
And Gaza? Gaza continues to be maintained by Israel and its water, electricity ', food, medicines. Paradoxically, those who openly declares
they want the destruction of Israel accepts aid from the country you want to delete. Why
'Egypt does not help them? 'Cause is not an Arab country decides to help other Arabs? Why
'Egypt does not recover Gaza? now everyone has understood that the 'can never become a nation, are barbarians, incapable of inept self-sufficient.
Gaza Hamas must be isolated or destroyed no altrenative. And to finish this
to call on Israel to give, to do, to keep.
Now there is talk, more and more 'insistence, to return the Golan to Syria in exchange for the cessation of terrorism.
For those who are benighted by the propaganda I will make a brief lesson in history and geography.
The Golan is not 'Syrian.
the Golan, Syria, Iraq has been a member of the French Mandate of Palestine, like the rest was under the sovereignty 'of the British Mandate.
This is the situation at the end of World War I until 1947, first for 400 years, everything was owned by 'the Ottoman Empire.
Syria which gained independence in 1947 and 'possession of the Golan, while not having any kind of historical connection with that territory, only to dominate fire on Israel and Jews.
Syria has maintained sovereignty 'on the Golan until 1967.
How does it do? Twenty years.
In these 20 years, Syria has not done anything but shoot, did not build a village, a barn, has cultivated a single blade of grass.
Israel conquered the Golan in 1967 and is' still in Israel.
From 1967 to now what does it do? Forty years' just right.
In these 40 years Israel has built city ', kibbutz, which is grown as far as the eye vineyards that produce the best wine of the Golan, has created herds of cows and horses.
The plateau and 'green as an emerald, and thanks to the mills, providing clean energy by Israel. Even the storks have returned and migratory birds during the Syrian occupation had changed course because of the constant gunfire.
So now someone has to explain, clearly and convincingly, 'cause 20 years of Syrian shots are worth more' than 40 years of work and dedication Israelis?
Israel and 'the only country in the world to return territories lawfully captured in wars of aggression.
There are other examples, no forced return to Slovenia and Croatia Istria to Italy, no cosrtinge France to return to Italy, Nice and Corsica. And nobody forces Italy to return the Alps to Austria not to mention all the territories passed from hand during the Second World War.
So who is 'able to explain why' walking distance from Israel is demanding ever required anyone? Why
'Arabs who own 99.99% of the entire Middle East, to convince himself to make peace with Israel, they must ask another land, never sated, never pay, interested only make Israel more and more 'small and vulnerable.
Peace is to be peace for the other, will change in the territories conquered by those who have won all the wars from which he 'strenuously defended, and' immoral, unjust, unacceptable.


Friday, June 1, 2007

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Summer of the three Brigades endless civil wars

Antonio Ferrari - What is coming summer could be terrible for the entire Middle East. If in the past, acted as an anesthetic in a bloody conflict for all other situations of regional tension, the opposite is true today, with the greatest risk of having to watch helplessly three simultaneous civil wars (Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq). Three civil wars
multiplied by the superpower and the growing Iranian arrogance. The crises are inevitably intertwined in fact, as the violence in the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr el-Bared in northern Lebanon, are dimostrando.Eancora once, causes, excuses and alibis crowd on Palestine. The last ceasefire, announced in Gaza, is much less of an illusion because the attacks and revenge between inter-fundamentalists of Hamas and the secular Fatah appear to have entered the most dangerous phase. The situation in the Strip, is uncontrollable, "and we are not able to govern," he admitted frankly, at the top of the World Economic Forum Dead Sea, the information minister Saeb Erekat PNA.
anarchy reigns in Gaza. With ambushes, shootings, sieges and attacks, such as that which had been prepared against the president Abu Mazen, who strives to show that he is a prisoner of the extremists, and not only be the "mayor" of Ramallah. AbuMazen, tragic figure, is weak, weak as it is actually the present government of Israel, and how the international community appears to be weak, dazed and helpless in the face of disaster that is taking place. AlForum tenderness was almost the king of Jordan, while announcing that the world should "prepare for the day after reaching of peace. "
It was not a statement dictated by unrealistic optimism, but the attempt, almost desperate to shake actors and supporting actors in a play collectively. King Abdullah, who leads a country that has 65 percent of the population of Palestinian origin, who comprise more than any other if it is not an agreement, "immediately, within one year" to reopen a breath of negotiation, all rush, and it will fade with the vision of "two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security", upon which words-to-everyone agrees. The attempt of the king is to combine the cooling of the conflict Inter-Palestinian conflict, and realization of the Arab plan, approved in Riyadh from the 22 countries belonging to the League, and in the meantime to help the suffering people of Gaza with economic measures that allow to bleed, at least in part, the tensions. Encouraging, for example, the creation of a Business Council with many Palestinians and 15 Israeli businessmen.
I ncoraggiante also the decision of the emir of Du bai , Al Maktoum, to allocate $ 10 billion for education, research and professional development of young Arabs in the region. But these initiatives, while laudable, does not allay the hatred that tear the fragile and already compromised political fabric of the PNA. From Gaza, with rockets extremists hammered the settlement of Sderot, and Israel responded with raids and targeted killings. The Strip is a jungle, and thought the deployment of an international peacekeeping force is "ridiculous," wrote columnist Jordanian Musa Keilani. "We must start with us, helping us alone," echoed Erekat said the Palestinian minister, then ask for support from others, beginning with the Arab brothers.
But they think the Saudis to curb the excessive power Iranian and Syrian neutralize the maneuvers of Lebanon, supporting Prime Minister Fuad by any means so far and its allies. Damascus fears that the international trial on the murder of Rafik Hariri, is ready to do anything to prevent it. The Iraq seems to be the prey of too many desires and the ideal ground for a devastating conflict between Shiites and Sunnis. Ela challenge Tehran's nuclear remembers the nightmare of a general war. The scenario is frightening, "but we must take action together. And do something. Now, "warned King Abdullah. How can we not agree with him?

by Corriere della Sera

Friday, May 18, 2007

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of Ernesto Galli della Loggia - Because Italy is the only EU country where still thrives, albeit on a very small, red and terrorism 20 years shows no sign of disappearing? And why Italy is still the only country where that terrorism seems to be able to enjoy still more or less large area of \u200b\u200bconsensus? The celebrations of 25 April in Milan, with their slogans and signs of appendix pro-Br, reproduce these embarrassing questions as we chase ghosts for decades.

to which it is impossible to answer without deal with a more general issue: that of historical presence in the Italian company of a fund of violence hard, tough, which has always opposed an insurmountable obstacle to spreading the culture of legality. It is no coincidence that Italy is the home of the most important historical organizations of the European crime.

The Italian political sphere has been deeply marked by the violence. Arisen from a revolutionary movement to statehood with some sections of civil war, precisely as was the Risorgimento, the idea that under certain conditions violence is permissible (even necessary) has characterized so every one of the modern political cultures that have saw the light of the peninsula, which have their roots in the more authentic reality of our history: the maximalist socialism, national-fascism, communism Gramsci, action.

All cultures in one way or another were fed and fed the myth of the revolution, whatever the adjective that was then stuck. At ground level, in practice, did the only exception and Catholic political culture. If it were not for that, as you know, it is likely that there would be neither democratic Italy that we had instead.

But history is not water. Italy democratic, even if this was still the daughter of a story that had developed an ancient and long proximity to violence, in form, as I said, the revolutionary myth (originally, not least, with the Resistance, the very legitimacy of the Republic). The democracy that we could not live side by side and often intertwined, with this myth and its culture, both appropriately transformed into the size of the 'utopia', still regarded by the Italian political common sense the most eminent and politics can put in place. While the rule of law, from all to talk honored and revered, in fact only moves the mind to shoot, sparutissime minorities who are, in fact, even today, those (starting with the Interior Minister, call or Pisanu Amato) that in front of the block of a station by a group of strikers scams or sanitary certificates of public employees rely on the fist of the law?

In fact, the germ and that its illegality extreme manifestation that violence is the democratic Italy brings in a sense within itself, its history and cultural anthropology in its so credited. And that's why she never failed and can not eradicate it even today.
can, for example, try to teach civics in school, but at the same time that it does show how pathetically little you first think its precepts could not eliminate the loss in the same school under any rule of conduct, the outbreak of more general indiscipline. Not only is the paradox. There is also the one for which Italy is the country where most of the key words take root pacifism and preaching non-violence but also the one where all is relative to the rest of Europe is more widespread practice of illegal mass and more frequent echoes the exaltation of violence or tolerance of fact against him: a contradiction only apparent, however, since the origin of both phenomena, there is always the same utopian heritage of our culture, even otherwise declined. And, to preserve and perpetuate that heritage, the shell of a weak statehood in the face of pro-Br likes of Milan says through the mouth of his minister of the Interior that yes, indeed "there is nothing to worry about" but not if feels to promise anything more.

by Corriere della Sera

Friday, April 27, 2007

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of Sergio Romano - The scandals are the salt of the democracies. Lay bare the errors and vices of the power of the ruling class. We need to correct the distortions of the political and social system. I am the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of public men and forces them to control their behavior. But if five scandal, only apparently different, break out in the same country within two years, the "salt of democracy 'ceases to be a good wake-up call and becomes a pathological manifestation. And 'what happened in Italy. The events that have outraged the country have a different array (finance, football, blackmail, bribery, espionage, trading sexual favors against the benefits of a career) but each of them has come into our homes through the publication of telephone intercepts carried out under a 'judicial investigation.

I do not think this can be remedied by adopting a law, such as that prepared by the Minister of Justice, or by asking the media to censor themselves in the interest of privacy as did the Ombudsman for Data Protection personal. These rules and reminders are probably appropriate. But he does not care a bad hitting only its outward manifestations. The first question the nature of the phenomenon should be the judiciary. In the seventies, the prosecutors have been fighting terrorism in the eighties tried to eradicate the Mafia in the nineties have seriously damaged a large part of the ruling class. Today, looking for a new mission, they seem determined to cleanse the stables of the company. They are no longer officers of the prosecution. They are crusaders for justice, perhaps convinced that the renewal of society and manners depend on their work rather than from that of politicians. And they use a system, tapping, hitting either the guilty and innocent.

not discuss here the meaning and desirability of such a mission. I do not argue the fact that some attitudes have helped to arouse public opinion in qualunquistica a feeling of distrust for the entire political class, no exceptions and distinctions. Do not point out that many investigations almost always produce results well below the expectations of those who have started. I merely point out that the prosecution, even when not contributing to the disclosure of confidential or private, seem to be indifferent to the delicacy of the material that accumulates in their files during the initial stages of an investigation. We know that there are procedural steps that a document comes from the hands of the prosecutor and became public knowledge. But if the director of a hospital is morally responsible for the custody of drugs contained in the pharmacy of the institute, one might wonder why the judiciary does not feel the same responsibility that poisonous concoction of true and false, useful and useless, and irrelevant material that turns into an interception machine.

further observation. The phenomenon is not exclusively Italian. The prosecutor combative, aggressive and anxious public consensus belongs to almost every major contemporary democracies, and in many ways a sign of the times. But I confess I do not understand why the judges want to continue to live within the same career, with colleagues who have gradually assumed a different appearance professional and have, therefore, a different style of work.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

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a Taliban victory sing the "high price" for freedom of Mastrogiacomo

The release of five leading figures of the Taliban, in exchange for the release of Daniele Mastrogiacomo, stirs excitement among Islamic extremists, who celebrate it as a victory. In the population there is anger and criticism in Kabul but the lack of attention to the two Italians taken hostage (the driver - beheaded - Mastrogiacomo's interpreter). There are controversies in the international community more or less explicit.

The release yesterday of the Italian journalist in Afghanistan has given the go-anywhere to rainfall of messages of congratulations to the Taliban for the exchange Italian prisoners with the unbeliever. " The Italian was arrested March 5 by the men of Taliban commander Dadullah along with Sayeh Agha, the driver and interpreter, Ajma Naqshbandi. "Participate in the log messages of congratulations be sent to the Taliban," reads the pages of some Islamic forum, where they are collected is congratulated by supporters of al-Qaeda for the positive outcome of negotiations on the release of the reporter. "What good news - he writes Sanafir al-Nasr - we want freedom for our other brother detainees." This is followed by calls to continue the fight against NATO troops in Afghanistan. According to local experts

, freedom Mastrogiacomo has required a "high price" means the driver of the reporter, 24, was beheaded, while little is known of his interpreter. Currently he is in the hands of the Afghan police, who will interrogate him on the matter and perhaps because he had apprised the authorities of his work with the Italian. Also - add - the Taliban have received recognition for "political partners with whom to treat," which was another purpose of the kidnapping. Italian government officials have even invited the Taliban to the table of a possible peace conference, while the UN spokesman in Afghanistan, Adrian Edwards, was anxious to stress: "The United Nations does not deal with terrorists. "

They did not even wait for the reaction of the local population. Today in Lashkargah outside the headquarters of Emergency - the NGO that has been the mediation - about 200 people demonstrated against the government of Prime Minister Hamid Karzai, guilty of "criminal issue 5 for an infidel foreigner and not a poor Afghan" , as shouted an uncle of Sayeh Agha, the driver headed, whose body was today handed over to the family. The wife of a young 24 year old father of four children, had lost the baby she was pregnant in just hearing the news of the death of her husband.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

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The Despotism

of Simond de Sismondi - virtually no passing day without any representative of the Government not take the opportunity to do the usual lesson in honesty tax, arguing that the fees to be paid and that these are one of the greatest achievements of human civilization: slogan often free to the various organs of the press and TV news, during the governments of the left speakers reduced to simple slogans of the regime, reported on time. In this exhibition of mysticism tax, are distinguished in particular the Secretary of the Treasury Padoa Schioppa and his colleague Visco. The first, as we have seen, lies ridiculous editorial in which, in summary, approximate historical economic analysis, argues that taxes are one of the highest and most glorious discoveries of human genius, the other hand, occurs in the repetitive sermons variously propina payout in every public occasion, or maybe send directly to news agencies by way 'of thought or meditation, uplifting, apparently to keep alive the fervor el'afflato of taxpayers. Days ago, for example, stated that "the withholding of taxes, such as business' court, are tasks that can have a very invasive to people and therefore must be conducted with restraint and prudence. At the same time, however, it is also stressed that they should be exercised in the knowledge that respect for the law and 'at the base of the social and civil society in democratic systems ".. and that" laws must be respected and unfortunately the fees to be paid. "

curiously What characterizes these statements as well as free demagoguery with which it deals with such a sensitive and complex is the strange concept of law that the minister has demonstrated that fact, according to his personal philosophy of oppression tax, the citizen is always obliged to pay taxes, while the state is not equally bound to observe any limits on his activity tax. It is strangely free to impose any kind of tax in the quantity and quality desired. This is clearly a principle of a purely despotic, that conceives the relationship between state and citizen in a manner similar to that between master and servant, as a former slave or a serf, the individual must devote its income to its owner and only this, his humanity and his kindness and his willingness to reward the services produced are responsible for deciding which and how many goods are to remain in the availability of the first. In the case of the Government of the Olive-Union criteria that determine the allocation are pseudo-ideologies declined in form of values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, social justice or vague requirements welfare, or simulated emergencies, but the substance of European accounting basically the same: the availability of their income and their assets are not governed by specific rules which are long lasting and thus enable citizens to act freely providing for the possible consequences of their decisions but are at the mercy of agreements, negotiations and decisions of top-down restricted nomenklatura political union, which held in full control of the state and the propaganda apparatus, the so-called free press, they can distort and adapt to their own interests all forms of legality. And the repeated statements that the Visco Padoa Schioppa and the issue now every day, that any reduction taxes depend only on the resulting reduction in tax evasion and the good performance of revenue not only confirms this fact: the economic and fiscal policy of the government not only completely ignores the fundamental property rights and to preserve the availability of income by individuals , but also stands as the fundamental objective of increasing their reduction or even their elimination. It is, as you can see, all the effects of a serious threat to the fundamental value of personal freedom. If, in fact, are not the individuals to decide freely what to do with his income but that right belongs exclusively to the state, it follows that this is the only bearer of values \u200b\u200bdriven by the port, the state of ethics within the window, as always cloaked in pseudo-civic ideologies, such as tax compliance, or pseudo-democratic values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, the common good or inspirations variously protective .. In fact, the only value that the policy promotes, simple obedience is the despotic state, which itself can only be achieved through the emptying and disposal of any other moral value.

Almost every day we complain of the gradual dismantling of fundamental values \u200b\u200bsuch as personal responsibility and respect for others in favor of a lifestyle designed as a simple expression of their desires and own instincts. However, they are actually rare analysis linking this phenomenon with the gradual encroachment by the state's decision-making sphere of individuals. A society that demonizes and severely limits the autonomy and individual freedom, of which the economic component is crucial, it can certainly expect responsible behavior by its members.

But what happens in Italy is certainly nothing compared to the "progressive" politics that would say in France, prevail in the presidential election where Segolene Royal, another candidate "beautiful soul" chosen as a pretext to cover the wrinkles now left a parchment and inflexible, and his minister Strauss-Kahn. In fact, here besides the usual "tassolatria" and the demonization of the profit that we as the "income", "is" greedy, smelly and arrogant ", but later magically transformed into essence purify and odorless or scented if transformed into taxes, has devised the brilliant French proposal to tax their citizens living abroad. Again, it basically states the principle that individuals are not to be autonomous and independent, but owned by the state-tribe and in no way they can escape from its domain and its abuses.

Faced the now unavoidable problem of its economic, externally caused by economic globalization, which has drastically reduced the competitive advantage of each country systems, and internally by the aging population, which is reflected respectively on the healthcare system and benefit, ideology the primacy of the public reveals its true nature despotic and authoritarian. But while not abandoning its ideological myths and not deal with reality, he prefers to subjugate and enslave the people, progressively reducing their autonomous decision-making sphere, as well as their budget. However, it is easy to think that these measures will not do only accelerate the crisis of the welfare state, if achieved, they will have the same effect of taking a greater quantity of wine in a fortification, rather than cure, the disease will worsen, causing the death of the whole organism.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

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Tax Crimes unfashionable

of Luca Cosentino - There are causes and events where hundreds of thousands of protesters left the streets to protest, to collect signatures to remove, to encourage boycotts.
There are other causes and events, however, for which the same people who march, protest, sign and boycott, do not feel any anger, do not show, do not protest, do not collect signatures, they do nothing. What follows is one of those stories that has caused outrage and protests nor the slightest interest in the media.
You could say that the short history of this girl is substantially outdated, unsuited to provoke and stir the consciences of those fed mainly western part of the population that never fails to demonstrate in the most noble cause!
Faramaz Mohammad was hanged in the central square in the Iranian city of Tabriz because leaders of the Student Movement.
Faramaz Mohammad was 19 years.
E 'was executed on charges have led the student protest to the Iranian authorities. Faramaz was hanged after a summary trial without any substantiated charges. A
19 years was simply a leader of the student movement which is protesting for months against the lack of democracy in the country. In reality he was doing something truly dangerous: he tried to enter the third millennium, even in his country held by force in the Middle Ages by the Pasdaran, the "Guardians" of Islam.
Four years have passed from happening and, of course, the news is scarce: the Xalq Qazeti newspaper Azerbaijan, one of the former Soviet republics bordering the north of Iran, has published the news that a girl of Azerbaijani origin, Faramaz Mohammad, 19, was hanged in the public square of Tabriz on charges of having had an important role in student protests that pitted the university paramilitary teams reporting directly to the ayatollahs.
The article was discovered and translated by the corresponding international service of BBC English and distributed to the agencies.
In Italy none of the mainstream media considered the news worthy of publication.
Few details are provided by the BBC: the arrest dates from the end of June 2003, the trial took place before the Revolutionary Court of Tabriz, the judges were chosen by the religious authorities, as well as the lawyer defender pro forma and, finally, she was not allowed to appeal.
Less than a month the arrest was hanged, without even the minimum of notice usually given to the family for a final interview.
The body of the girl, who attended the faculty of literature, was returned to his father, who had hoped until the last in a gesture of clemency.
The family was believed that the protests Western Zahra Kazemi, the Iranian-Canadian journalist beaten to death in June of that year in a barracks of the Pasdaran was found to be taking pictures of battles, would have led the religious authorities to soften Online repression. Instead
the enforcement procedure is continued with the utmost speed. The only privilege granted to the family, which has never been able to visit the girl in prison, was to obtain the body after repeated entreaties, and exhausting. The young Faramaz was buried in Ardabil, the capital of Persian carpets, on the border between Iran and Azerbaijan.
The family still remembers crying and angrily insisted that the officer understood that he should be considered fortunate to have received the body of the girl.
This is just one of many cases of violence systematically perpetrated by States with regard to which the people of journalists and leftist protesters try some sympathy.
Have you ever seen a Diliberto, Bertinotti, Pecoraro, Cento, the former Republican fascist Dario For, or some other companion show for the crimes committed by Chinese, Cubans, Iranians or Syrians?


Friday, March 2, 2007

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The jungle of blackmail parties

Giampaolo Pansa - I always knew that Massimo D'Alema was provided with humor. On January 29, said Massimo Giannini of 'Republic': "I'm leaving for Japan, when I get back let me find the government." The irony was directed at two Union Ministers: Clemente Mastella and Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, for their proclamations from scassapagliai. Mastella had called on civil unions: "Do not they vote to bring down the cost of Prodi. "Pecoraro And you are damned to push us to withdraw from Kabul, rather than being, as expected, the environment.

However, the two ministers mentioned by D'Alema are not the only to dance in the Prodi government. Inside the center-left, it is apparent every day a tragic Babel of blackmail. All claim something and threaten havoc just to get it. He blackmails the mission in Afghanistan and three ministers of the radical-regressive refuse to vote on it. It is blackmailing the U.S. base in Vicenza. He blackmails on pension reform. He blackmails on what and when to liberalize. In short, it blackmails on everything and its opposite.

Even before the vote, Romano Prodi, the sniffing Babel coming. In an interview with 'The Express' I said, "I want to govern, not to mediate." But do not imagine the party that Vietnam would emerge immediately after the election victory anorexic. The Union has proved to be a jungle full of enemies ready to exterminate them. And since the day of commencement, being the government has never been like being in a gala dinner. Revenue

the image by a speech by Rina Gagliardi, Senator of the PRC, capable of analysis is not trivial. Sunday, January 28, in a long article on 'Liberation', explained to the most maximalist her the current climate within the EU government. Air battle relentless, with arms of iron relentlessly, contrasts difficult to reconcile. "For us, the radical left," he writes, "the choice of staying in this government set up, today as yesterday, an exhausting battle ground. A construction site where work is to extract the most advanced results possible. A place where you give and take barrel.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

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kill Imam " Just beat women "Repentance

Magdi Allam - Verona, after the sermon Amal murdered by her husband. This was revealed: the fence is now living at home with their children.

ROME - "Heard that the imam told us? What we have to beat his wife! Because women are stupid, they are like sheep to be governed by a shepherd. You men have reason to beat them, because Islam says so. The Koran does order. " It was August 26, 2005, after the sunset prayer, the Muslim preacher of hate Wagdy Ghoneim told the faithful gathered in the mosque in Verona via Biondani, a stable UCOII (Union of Islamic Organizations and Communities in Italy). Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt imprisoned, expelled from the United States and Canada for condoning terrorism, Ghoneim was able to obtain an entry visa in Italy at the invitation of 'UCOII, taking four matches in Bologna, Verona, Padua and Sixth San Giovanni.

Among those present to hear him in the capital of La Scala was the Moroccan Moustapha Ben Har , 46, a violent man who had forced his wife to the sound of blows to have an abortion twice and had sent three times to the emergency relief on his face route, which had been charged with the stabbing of a fellow who resides in the same building, which eventually found himself unemployed for the constant bickering in the workplace. Once back home, Moustapha, with a strong Islamic legitimacy to the brutal behavior, threats turned to heavy Bourfai El Amal, 33, met and married in Casablanca: "The imam told us that women are without souls. They are created just to children, attend to household and satisfy the pleasures of her husband. The wives can not raise your voice. Who's in charge is just the husband. If the wife is wrong, it is normal to punish her. This is the teaching of the prophet. "

Amal was really scared that night. held her two little sons, Aiman, now four years, and Elias, who will make it to May 3. He thought back to the early days of marriage, when Moustapha spoke to her gently. And just as suddenly, two months after his arrival in Italy in 2000, he began to beat her because she was not pregnant, "You're like a dry land, not from the fruit." Amal felt guilty, and he bore the beatings. Until the analysis emerged that the problem was not her husband. He underwent hormonal therapy that had happened. But in reality he did not love their children. Twice his criminal fury forced his wife to have an abortion for the beatings in the stomach. Even after the birth of Aiman, attacked him lie on the ground and jump on his belly. It was four months pregnant, bleeding, went to hospital and was able to continue the pregnancy until the birth of Elias. Then Amal was forced to have abortions for the third time in the hospital because he did not want more children: "I do not have the money to keep them."

In fact she is just working, like working in a company fruit and vegetables, with a fee between 600 and 700 €. Not much for four people. And to make matters worse, he regularly seized the money to go with prostitutes. It was repeated on 19 January, the day after collecting the paycheck. When she rebelled, he has filled a barrel, the split two teeth and made the black eye, forcing her to return to the emergency room. Even when he decided to make love with her, before he beat her to force her to follow him to bed. Three times she complained and then she withdrew it, "If you do not, just go home you'll find all children," threatened repeatedly.

Amal feels powerless because they took away all the Moustapha documents: passport, residence permit, health card and social security number. She depends on him at all, because formally resident in Italy for family reunion. The breakthrough came with the complaint after the most recent admission to the emergency room, complains that Amal no longer wishes to withdraw. He, in revenge, decided to flee to Morocco, taking away the little children. He has already sent to family in Casablanca, on a bus that leaves from Verona, his luggage. Since then, Amal was barricaded in home with children. He asked for help from social service center in San Giovanni Lupatoto, the municipality of residence in the province of Verona, was answered that if he wanted to take advantage of a host structure, would be due 95 euro per day. Yesterday she returned to court demanding, through his lawyer, Rosanna Credendino, an interim order of removal from home of Moustapha. Monday will go to the police station to demand the prohibition of expulsion from the country of her husband and children.

This is the dramatic story of a "mother courage" , struggling with all his might to stay in Italy with two children and an abusive husband who has already applied for Italian citizenship, having resided since 1989. Imagine that behave Islamically correct under dell'aberrante preaching of hatred of the Muslim Brotherhood to which you refer to members' UCOII. Just read the comment by Hamza Roberto Piccardo of the Qur'an by 'UCOII, the most popular mosques in Italy, the verse IV, 34: "One can well understand why the Qur'an gives the husband the tools to deal with the insubordination of wife before you get to the extreme remedy of divorce: criticism, exclusion dall'affettività and the marital relationship, physical punishment. In the latter regard, note that the Sunna of the firm has not advised and, in extreme cases, the condition has allowed to save face and the blows that are inflicted with a tissue or the Siwak ( the stick that is used for cleaning teeth). " This technical detail on how Islamically right to beat their wives must be escaped Moustapha. And thousands of abusive husbands and in Italy call for the Koran to brutalize their women. This is the call of Amal, "Help me to stay at my house with my two children, help stave off the violent husband! I want to live in Italy women's freedom and I want my children will grow up as free people. "

by Corriere della Sera

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Thalamic Lacunar Infarcts

Gianni Pardo - Repentance has its own greatness. The courage and honesty to recognize his mistakes are admirable. However, it remains the problem of evaluation of the perpetrator. Who does not
repents and remains dangerous, as it were, beyond redemption. Scalzone example continues to live in his delusional world that would leave us indifferent, if not tended to destroy our and should be kept an eye on. The repentant instead fits into society. But it can be considered one of the others? You can pass a wet sponge on his past, that has or has not granted any penalty?
The answer is not clear. Catholicism, the sacrament of confession, says it is possible to erase the guilt and find themselves in God's grace is enough for the priest to say a few words: "Ego te absolvo, in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti." But even for believers remains the problem is equivalent to forgive to forget? A disregard of that action in court on the person? Certainly not. So the solution can not be general and the problem boils down to this: the error is excusable or inexcusable?

Young reared in the cult of the fascist rhetoric of the country could be right that we should beat back the invasion. While other young people think that they could continue fighting would only prolong the agony of the country which, moreover, was in the hands of another invader: the German one. Under these conditions, no one can ask the Republicans or the partisans of repentance. Conversely, when someone plans to kill in cold betrayal a general, a manager of an industry or a journalist, you can think of to act in good faith? Frankly, no. And you can not think of "forgive" even after thirty years in prison. No one can pay this kind of debt. No one can redeem a personality that can not see the absurdity of that criminal act. Allegations of such severity

leave a bitter taste. It almost have to wonder if you are omitting the human duty to take the role of the perpetrator. But the response that rises from within is clear: never, most of the people I met in my life and myself would be able to much. He is different from us.

Not that murder is inexcusable in any case. Tyrannicide is lawful under the Catholic Church itself, through the mouth of St. Thomas. Von Stauffenberg is a hero, not a murderess. And if you do not want to quibble too Brutus and Cassius were actually men of honor killed Caesar because, in their view, was the only way to save the republic. But if Rome had been a modern democracy, if it were enough to wait some years for a new election, they would have been a mere ambush. A life sentence for murder. Exactly like Aldo Moro.

Even those who have strayed from their past for decades are hard to forgive. No one today can be afraid of Adriano Sofri, Sergio Segio, Lanfranco Pace and many others, perhaps become skilled journalists honest bourgeois or otherwise, but if it is permissible to speak in person once, I confess to bias in this field indestructible. I wish I could forget their existence. I'll never, I say to forgive, but I like to consider a man who has killed an innocent man in cold, for reasons evanescent and delirious. Aldo Moro I was really nasty to me but died yesterday morning. My desire for revenge remains intact and unsatisfied. I certainly can live with the pain that the culprits are obvious but the gap that separates me from those who have been guilty of such crimes has not been closed. And never will be.


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Brother Intellifax 2820 Fuser Replacement

How the West could lose

Daniel Pipes - After defeating fascists and communists, can the West now defeat the Islamists?

face of it, its military preponderance makes victory seem inevitable. Even if Iran possessed nuclear weapons, Islamists have nothing like the military machine the Axis deployed in World War II, nor the Soviet Union during the Cold War. What do the Islamists have to compare with the Wehrmacht or the Red? The SS or Spetznaz? The Gestapo or the KGB? Or to Auschwitz or the Gulag?

So far, more than a few analysts, including myself, worry that it is not so simple. Islamists (defined as persons who demand to live by the Sharia, the sacred Islamic law) may in fact do better than the earlier totalitarians. They could even win. That's because, however strong the Western hardware, its software contains some potentially fatal bugs. Three of them - pacifism, self-hatred, complacency - deserve attention.

Pacifism. The educated people are largely convinced that "there is no military solution" to current problems, a mantra applied in every Middle East - Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, the Kurds, terrorism and the Arab-Israeli conflict. But this pragmatic pacifism overlooks the fact that modern history abounds with military solutions. What were the defeat of the Axis, the United States in Vietnam or the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, if not military solutions?

Self-hatred. Significant elements in several Western countries - especially the United States, Britain and Israel - believe their governments to be repositories of evil, and see terrorism as just punishment for past sins. This attitude of "we have met the Enemy. And the enemy is us "replaces an effective response with appeasement, including a readiness to give up traditions and achievements. Significantly, in this respect, Osama bin Laden celebrates by name such leftists as Robert Fisk and William Blum. The Western feeding self-hatred are significantly important due to their prominent role as shapers of opinion covered in universities, media, religious institutions and the arts. They serve as the Islamists' auxiliary mujahideen.

complacency. The absence of an impressive Islamist military machine imbues many Westerners, especially on the left, a feeling of disdain. While the conventional war, with his men in uniform, warships, tanks, planes, and its bloody battles for land and resources, it is easy to comprehend, the asymmetric war with radical Islam is elusive. Box cutters and suicide belts for suicide bombers make it difficult to perceive this enemy as a worthy opponent. Are many who, with John Kerry, terrorism as a mere "nuisance."

But the Islamists have formidable resources that far exceed the small-scale terrorism:

-A potential access to weapons of mass destruction that could devastate Western life.
-A religious appeal that provides deeper resonance and a greater guarantee of having more staying power than the artificial ideologies of fascism and communism. A
institutional machinery designed, funded and organized so amazing, that successfully builds credibility, goodwill and electoral success.
-A 'ideology capable of appealing to Muslims of all kinds: from Lumpenproletariat to privileged, from illiterates to those holding a Ph.D., from those who are well-adjusted to psychopaths, from Yemenis to Canadians. The movement almost defies sociological definition.
-A non-violent approach - what I call "lawful Islamism" - that pursues Islamification through educational, political and religious, without recourse to illegality or terrorism. The Lawful Islamism is proving successful in Muslim-majority countries like Algeria and Muslim-minority ones like the United Kingdom.
-A large number of people involved. If Islamists constitute 10-15 percent of the Muslim population worldwide, they number some 125 and 200 million people that they far exceed the total number of fascists and communists who ever lived.

Pacifism, self-hatred and complacency are lengthening the war against radical Islam and causing undue casualties. Only after absorbing catastrophic losses to property and human lives will left-leaning Westerners likely overcome this triple affliction and confront the true scope of the threat. The civilized world will likely then prevail, but belatedly and after paying a higher price than necessary.

If the Islamists were to become reasonable and not resort to the use of weapons of mass destruction, along the road instead of legitimate political and non-violent, and if their movement were to remain viable, it will be difficult to see what will stop them.
