Friday, April 27, 2007

Patient Advocate Jobs Michigan


of Sergio Romano - The scandals are the salt of the democracies. Lay bare the errors and vices of the power of the ruling class. We need to correct the distortions of the political and social system. I am the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of public men and forces them to control their behavior. But if five scandal, only apparently different, break out in the same country within two years, the "salt of democracy 'ceases to be a good wake-up call and becomes a pathological manifestation. And 'what happened in Italy. The events that have outraged the country have a different array (finance, football, blackmail, bribery, espionage, trading sexual favors against the benefits of a career) but each of them has come into our homes through the publication of telephone intercepts carried out under a 'judicial investigation.

I do not think this can be remedied by adopting a law, such as that prepared by the Minister of Justice, or by asking the media to censor themselves in the interest of privacy as did the Ombudsman for Data Protection personal. These rules and reminders are probably appropriate. But he does not care a bad hitting only its outward manifestations. The first question the nature of the phenomenon should be the judiciary. In the seventies, the prosecutors have been fighting terrorism in the eighties tried to eradicate the Mafia in the nineties have seriously damaged a large part of the ruling class. Today, looking for a new mission, they seem determined to cleanse the stables of the company. They are no longer officers of the prosecution. They are crusaders for justice, perhaps convinced that the renewal of society and manners depend on their work rather than from that of politicians. And they use a system, tapping, hitting either the guilty and innocent.

not discuss here the meaning and desirability of such a mission. I do not argue the fact that some attitudes have helped to arouse public opinion in qualunquistica a feeling of distrust for the entire political class, no exceptions and distinctions. Do not point out that many investigations almost always produce results well below the expectations of those who have started. I merely point out that the prosecution, even when not contributing to the disclosure of confidential or private, seem to be indifferent to the delicacy of the material that accumulates in their files during the initial stages of an investigation. We know that there are procedural steps that a document comes from the hands of the prosecutor and became public knowledge. But if the director of a hospital is morally responsible for the custody of drugs contained in the pharmacy of the institute, one might wonder why the judiciary does not feel the same responsibility that poisonous concoction of true and false, useful and useless, and irrelevant material that turns into an interception machine.

further observation. The phenomenon is not exclusively Italian. The prosecutor combative, aggressive and anxious public consensus belongs to almost every major contemporary democracies, and in many ways a sign of the times. But I confess I do not understand why the judges want to continue to live within the same career, with colleagues who have gradually assumed a different appearance professional and have, therefore, a different style of work.



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