Thursday, September 24, 2009

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BookCrossing: THE ISSUE OF BOOKS IN VILLA GREPPO Views: 39 Browse 's
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to 11/10/2009 BookCrossing: ISSUE BOOK A VILLA GREPPO
Dozens of books are being abandoned at Villa Greppi, from September 27, opening day Eighth edition of the festival's passion for the crime.

Yellow, thriller, mystery, detective ... books ranging in genre fiction and in some very classic way to treasure. In Italian, but also in the original language: English, French, English. But above all, strictly new. Much of that is by the Cultural passion for the crime, but the list was immediately enriched thanks to donations from publishers, publishing agencies, writers and individuals. Books read that we decided not to hold, double books, books received and never open the books that we decided to share with anonymous readers. Each volume is cataloged on

, the World site which is the reference database to follow the path of a book, and then labeled with the symbols of the Passion. The corner of bookcrossing to be launched during this new edition will remain on a permanent basis throughout the year in the former barn, and will be a point of reference for the free exchange of books.

should only choose among those available in the bookcrossing point, indicated by the typical symbol of bookcrossing (the yellow book with arms and legs). It must then go to the site and enter the identification number printed on the book, the BCID and insert it into the field and report on the home page where he found it, along with a comment. You can record a personal profile or login as anonymous. At that point you can do what you want that book: read it, back at Villa Greppi, leave it in another place, even keep it. You may decide to issue another in its place .... The freedom is total.
WHO WANTS TO GIVE A BOOK OF PASSION BookCrossing can return it to the reception desk or to volunteer during the festival, so it can be numbered and labeled. During the year, but can deliver or send to the Cultural passion for the crime at Villa Greppi, Via Monte Grappa 21, 23876 Monticello Brianza. Leaving an e-mail address, you will receive the BCID of the book, to be able to follow the steps. Your e-mail can also be written on the front pages of the volume to get in touch with the next player, as some writers who donate shares on bookcrossing. Or you can write a dedication to those who wish to find the book, the notes with their impressions .... In short, everything that can contribute to sharing what you read. Villa Greppi What is the most important issue of bookcrossing books never happened in Brianza, dozens of titles in Italian and in foreign languages, which will be the first to urge a flow of exchange of books at no cost, a free library and self-managed, a passage opinions and impressions from readers. POEMS BACK
From the page of the site devoted to the design of the poems back, you can access the blog with all the compositions come so far, waiting to see them on display at Villa Greppi

MARCONI RADIO From tomorrow the space of culture Marconi Radio FM 94.8, every morning from 11 to 13 to Marconi Culture interviews with festival guests. The transmission conducted by Marco House can be heard in streaming
. Among the first guests Marco Vichi e Andrea Vitali. ****** ***** ***** PASSION FOR MURDER

Books and Authors in yellow and noir

Eighth edition September 27 to October 11 2009

Villa Greppi di Monticello Brianza (Lecco)




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